
There are two different types of training: Youth and Adults

Description: Youth

This is used to train youth scouts about leadership positions and what it means exactly to be a leader. It also teaches scouts new skills, and what it means to be a responsible leader by guiding the younger scouts on their path to Eagle Scout. Below, you will find an attached document explaining the training process. 

Note: This document is for scouts currently presiding in Troop 777G&B, if you are exploring the Troop you may ignore this information. 

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Training for Youth

Description: Adults

To be a trained Adult Leader means many different things. You have to be a registered adult. You must complete the Youth Protection (YPT) course every two years. As an adult leader, you help guide the scouts on programming, how to be a leader, and also how to have fun while moving up the ranks. Below there is an attached document explaining this further. 

Note: This document is for Adult leaders currently presiding in Troop 777G&B, if you are exploring the Troop you may ignore this information. 

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Training for ADULTS